Dr. Pusch is senior associate director at Project Advance and currently oversees SUPA’s instructional services. This department is responsible for the design and development of supplemental online instructional materials, as well as research and evaluation activities within Project Advance.

At the start of his post-secondary career Pusch studied chemistry, receiving his master’s degree from the University of Colorado in 1987. However, he decided he didn’t want to spend his life in a lab. As a teaching assistant in chemistry, he found how people think and learn to be far more interesting. This led to his search for a new career, landing him at Syracuse University.

In 2003, Pusch received his Ph.D. in instructional design, development & evaluation from SU. That same year he was named SUPA’s instructional designer after only two years with the organization.

Dr. Pusch is also a member of SU’s University Senate Committee on LGBT Concerns and is active within the Syracuse community. He has presented papers at the annual conferences for the Society for Intercultural Education; Training and Research (SIETAR); and the National Association of Foreign Student Affair. He also has published in the Journal of Lesbian and Gay Issues in Education.

Dr. Pusch has taught IDE 654: Integrating Technology into Teaching and IDE 632: Instructional Design and Development II. Rob currently teaches IDE 736: Motivation in Instruction, IDE 621: Principles of Instruction and learning, and IDE 712: Analysis of Human Performance Technologies in SU’s School of Education.